Independent travel,  Middle East,  Photography,  Travel Blog

Photographic Memories #8

As every traveller knows, when you look back through old travel photos, many of them trigger wonderful memories. With no current prospect of travel even domestically let alone worldwide, we will have no new adventures to blog, but we do have many such memories…..

Photo #8: Desert Life

Desert life goes on with the Bedouin minding his camels in the midday sun, the battered truck displaying all the telltale signs of the demands of the unforgiving environment. Some perspective is given to this photograph by the pick up truck in the far distance, dwarfed by its surroundings yet still some way from the mountains beyond. Here, we are out in the deserts of Jordan, several miles beyond the village of Wadi Rum and out into the seemingly endless red sands and ochre mountains which recreate images from the pictorial Bibles of childhood. The camels can carry water for days; the truck merely brings a day’s supply.


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