England,  Europe,  Walking

Dry January And Wet Walks

Well, it came about like this. When we returned from our 9-week tour of Turkey towards the end of November, we had spent 14 of the preceding 18 weeks out of the UK, bathed in sunshine and lapping up wonderful places, enjoying great food and partaking in the odd sunset beer or two. Put simply, we’d gained a few pounds – not a lot, but enough to make us feel like we wanted to shed them and get a bit fitter, and so for the first 28 days back in the country we ate healthily and abstained from all alcohol.

This kind of gave us the incentive to try “dry January” for the first time in our lives, and so, once Christmas was over, we started 2021 with a resolution for a 31-day moratorium. With the new COVID lockdown, a complete prohibition on any kind of socialising and being confined to home with not even travel planning to occupy us, this is probably the least logical year to ever try and do this. All we have is our daily country walk, and with no pub at the end of it.

But we’ve got this far, 12 days into the month with the dry January resolution still alive and kicking. It’s not easy, and in fact it’s hard to believe that it has been only 12 days, and harder to still to think there’s another 19 to go. 

Despite Michaela’s resolve looking slightly stronger than mine just now, we are giving each other encouragement and are both now determined to get there. There are, though, times when that Bordeaux is calling, when that Douro says “go on, one won’t hurt”, and in those moments I have to remind myself that there was a good reason to do this. 

And another day gets ticked off. Wake me up when it’s February, someone.


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